“On the Shortness of Life” is a moral essay written by Seneca the Younger, a Roman Stoic philosopher, addressing the theme of time management and the human perception of time.
Reading List
How Will You Measure Your Life?
This book challenges readers to deeply consider the kind of person they want to be and the legacy they wish to leave behind.
A philosophical and practical exploration of the concept and consequences of lying in various aspects of human life.
10% Happier
“10% Happier” is a pragmatic guide for anyone looking to explore meditation without the mysticism often associated with it.
Quirkology invites readers to look beyond the ordinary, to question and explore the hidden forces that shape our lives.
Waking Up
“Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion” is a book by Sam Harris that explores the nature of consciousness and offers a scientific perspective on spirituality without the framework of organized religion.
“Freakonomics” is not just about economics in the traditional sense; it’s about thinking more deeply and critically about the world around us.